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          Colony Counter

          Product Image (1361, 1362 & 1363)

          Microprocessor Colony Counter - 1361, 1362 & 1363

          Price: 170000.00 - 300000.00 INR

          Microprocessor Colony Counter is a solid state microcontroller based instrument designed for quick and accurate counting of bacterial & mould colonies in petri dishes. The instrument uses the latest microprocessor technology and advanced engineering techniques so as to give enhanced accuracy and reproducibility.

          Product Image (361, 362 & 363)

          Digital Colony Counter - 361, 362 & 363

          Price: 170000.00 - 300000.00 INR

          The most time consuming part of carrying out a microbial count is the actual counting process on petri-dishes. Digital Colony Counter is designed for quick and accurate counting of bacterial and mould colonies in petri dishes. Feature packed and easy to use, this is an indispensable bench top tool for the busy microbiologist.
