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          Visible Spectrophotometers

          Visible Spectrophotometers are used in the pharmaceutical and chemical processing industry for the analysis of samples. These are a type of advanced analytic instrument. We have employed advanced in-house tools and techniques to develop the apparatus. Having equipped with precision tools and components, these Visible Spectrophotometers are unmatched in terms of performance and accuracy. These devices are easy to use and maintain owing to their ergonomic design and reliable performance. There is a wide range of Visible Spectrophotometers available for our esteemed clients the complete gamut of the spectrometers can be purchased from us at a budget-friendly price.
          Product Image (model 301 & 302)

          Digital Spectrophotometer 301 & 302

          Price: 170000.00 - 300000.00 INR

          Digital Spectrophotometer 301 & 302 are the most economical, reliable, rugged and accurate instrument for spectrophotometric analysis of any concentration. Digital Spectrophotometer 301 & 302 operates at a wavelength range of 340 nm to 960 nm. The output is available on a 3 digit seven segment red LED display in terms of %Transmission (%T), Absorbance (Abs.), and Concentration (Conc.). Model 302 has a 3-Position rapid change cuvette (Test Tube Holder) selector. The cuvette holder can have 2 cuvettes for blank and sample or standard solution.

          Product Image (Model 3305)

          Visible Spectrophotometer 3305

          Price: 170000.00 - 300000.00 INR

          Spectrophotometer (VISIBLE), is a solid state microcontroller based instrument designed for quick and accurate spectrophotometric analysis of any concentration. It operates at a wavelength range of 325 nm to 1000 nm. The output is available on a 4 Digit seven segment bright red LED display in terms of %Transmission (%T), Absorbance (Abs.), Concentration (Conc.) and Kfactor. The instrument uses the latest microprocessor technology and advanced engineering techniques so as to give enhanced accuracy and reproducibility.

          Product Image (Model 2305)

          Microprocessor Spectrophotometer 2305

          Price: 170000.00 - 300000.00 INR

          Microprocessor Spectrophotometer is a solid state microcontroller based instrument designed for quick and accurate spectrophotometric analysis of any concentration. It operates at a wavelength range of 325 nm to 1000 nm. The output is available on a 4 Digit seven segment bright red LED display in terms of %Transmission (%T), Absorbance (Abs.), Concentration (Conc.) and Kfactor. The instrument uses the latest microprocessor technology and advanced engineering techniques so as to give enhanced accuracy and reproducibility.

          Product Image (Model 304 & 305)

          Digital Spectrophotometer 304 & 305

          Price: 170000.00 - 300000.00 INR

          Digital Spectrophotometer 304 & 305 are the most economical, reliable, rugged and accurate instrument for spectrophotometric analysis of any concentration. Digital Spectrophotometer 304 & 305 operates at a wavelength range of 340 nm to 960 nm. The output is available on a 3 digit red seven segment LED display in terms of %Transmission (%T), Absorbance (Abs.), and Concentration (Conc.).

          Product Image (Model 1305)

          Microprocessor Spectrophotometer 1305

          Price: 170000.00 - 300000.00 INR

          This is the most economical, reliable, rugged and accurate instrument for spectrophotometric analysis of any concentration. It operates at a wavelength range of 340 nm to 960 nm. The output is available on a 16 x 2 line alphanumeric backlit LCD display in terms of %Transmission (%T), Absorbance (Abs.), Concentration (Conc.) and KFactor.

          Product Image (Model 2306)

          Microprocessor Spectrophotometer 2306

          Price: 170000.00 - 300000.00 INR

          Microprocessor Spectrophotometer is a solid state microcontroller based instrument designed for quick and accurate spectrophotometric analysis of any concentration. It operates at a wavelength range of 320 nm to 1100 nm. The instrument uses the latest microprocessor technology and advanced engineering techniques so as to give enhanced accuracy and reproducibility.

          Product Image (Model 1305)

          Microprocessor Spectrophotometer 1305

          Price: 170000.00 - 300000.00 INR

          We are noted as the prominent manufacturer, exporter and supplier in the market, engaged in offering Microprocessor Spectrophotometer to our customers. This is the unique portable instrument for measurement of different parameters such as Conductivity, TDS, Salinity, pH, Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen and mV of any solution.
